Wednesday 5 September 2012


Today I'll be reviewing a bit on the あなたがお風呂でのぼせる(Anata ga Ofuro de Noboseru) CDs that I got yesterday. First of all, I'd like to say that I was really having question marks all over my head when I heard that this series is based on onsen. I didn't know what to expect from it, and even worse since there're very little parts where I can understand what's going on (there are no translations as of yet). How long must I wait until I no longer need to rely on translations!? (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

So basically, this series is about onsen materialised as a (hot) spirit who appears in your bathroom while you are taking a bath. And yeah, you and him end up taking a bath *cough* together (but he gets tortured hit a lot by you before that actually happens...poor guy xD) For me, it was a major shift from Diabolik Lovers. I mean, seriously! Diabolik Lovers is full of blood-sucking a-and- geh! (つд⊂)ゴシゴシ I shall not elaborate further here! In any case, what I'm trying to say is that Ofuro de Noboseru is just humourous and cute (in my opinion anyway). The guys can be quirky, dorky, adorable and at the same time give you nosebleeds xD

あなたがお風呂で のぼせるCD 温泉擬人化コレクション 第3弾「三朝編」

First up is Misasa (CV: Hirakawa Daisuke)! Now...he wasn't exactly what I'd expected from a megane (・ω・) He is a big klutz..and an adorable hetare! The moment he popped inside *cough* my bathroom...I smacked him or something and his glasses fell off. Then he went into a frantic search for his glasses (Haha! xD) After which he tried to convince me that he was really an onsen spirit (I didn't believe him at first and wanted to call the police). Then he summoned onsen tamago (which overflowed). After struggling out of the heap, he asked why there were two of me...then he realised that his glasses had fallen off again xDDD Unfortunately for me, I accidentally fell asleep for a while halfway through the CD (it was nearly 2am in the morning when I was listening to it under the blanket covers...gomen ne, Misasa san! m(_ _)m) so I wasn't able to fully understand what happened. When I woke up, it was already the part where Misasa was about to leave *sigh* Guess I'll just have to listen to it again another day.

P.S. I realised a coincidence. This was the first CD of the series that I listened to, and Raito's CD from Diabolik Lovers was also the first that I listened to. The coincidence? Both Misasa and Raito are voiced by Hirarin... I honestly felt a slight shiver running down my body while listening to Misasa (darn, he's just too adorable for words~) because I suddenly remembered Raito and his maniacal laughter... (~_~;) It was kind of disturbing... *shudders*

あなたがお風呂で のぼせるCD ~温泉擬人化コレクション~ 第4弾「酸ヶ湯編」

Next is Sukayu (CV: Namikawa Daisuke *kyaaaaaa~*)! ... What I can say about him is...DON'T be fooled by his cool-looking exterior. To summarise everything about him in one word, it'll be - weird. And dorky. AND quirky. I have no idea what he was trying to do most of the time. But I admit he's really cute though (in my opinion). His "itai...tai..tai...tai...tai...tai..." was cute, and his long "ITAAAAAIIIIIIII~........" was funny too! His Koi Countdown was weird. He counted in various kinds of voices (occasionally with some accent that sounded Western xD). Lol but overall it was kinda cute~ (*´∀`)

あなたがお風呂で のぼせるCD ~温泉擬人化コレクション~ 第6弾「修善寺編」

And finally, it's Shuzenji (CV: Ishida Akira *nyaaaaa~*)! Hmm...what can I say about him... Well, he's got that air of formality around him...and he a tsun... He's a tsundere? O.o I enjoyed his Koi Countdown for some reason. It felt as though he was paying a lot of attention while doing that (and I don't mean it in a pervy way, okay xD) He is strict, in my opinion. But despite that, you know he is caring. Oh, and his voice is sexy~ (*^///^*) One of my friends will love him. She likes red-eyed guys (>w<)

Doki doki....some of them even call you Hime! *topples over* (ノ´∀`*) Either that or Ojou. And Oneechan for those who are (supposedly) younger than you. (^_-)-☆ 
It was kind of sad when the time came for them to leave... (´;x;`) Why can't they stay?? *lonely* (T∆T)

Volume 7 of the series will be released on 26 September, my birthday! It features Fukuyama Jun as Arima. Yatta I can't wait! d(>ω<)b I'm gonna listen to Kaji Yuuki (Dougo) and Morikawa Toshiyuki's (Noboribetsu) CDs later! I still haven't found a working link for Sakurai Takahiro's (Kusatsu) though... (T__T) If anyone has it, please tell me! I'd gladly appreciate it! ♥

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