Saturday 20 October 2012

Hibiki Personal Seiyuu Ranking Quiz

Hello! Another Saturday will soon be over. I'm done with my school stuff (storyboarding...ugh it's really difficult X_X) so I'm back on the Internet doing my usual blogging, tumbling, fangirling, etc while listening (right now as I type) to my long-anticipated Kindan Kyuuketsuki 4 ~Criminal of the Yellow Rose~. The vampire this time is Fredrich von Wisehelden and his seiyuu is none other than Tachibana Shinnosuke! The PV has made me nosebleed so much, and now the real thing is leaving me breathless like a fish out of water! Kyaaa the sounds and kisses he makes~ *squeal*
And also, I'm really sorry about the magazine reviews...I was too lazy busy to take photos; I'll try taking them tomorrow (hopefully). I'll post my storyboards up too, and I'll rant about them (again). I also had my first watercolour painting lesson yesterday. Now I'm addicted to watercolour painting. Never mind...I already finished 3 paintings for practice. I'll post them up along with the storyboards tomorrow once I no longer feel lazy to take out the scanner. I have to email the scanned storyboards to my class rep anyway... (U_U)

Anyway, I did a personal seiyuu ranking quiz from Hibiki. Both male and female seiyuu are available separately. 50 seiyuu names are given 2 at a time, and you are required to click either: a) one of their names, b) Tie, and c) Don't know either one. They'll then process your results and give you your possible top 50 favourite seiyuu. Knowing me, I went to do the male seiyuu first.

And here are my results.

Male Seiyuu

I have about 5-6 others ranked 46 and above, but I won't post them here.
I think more than 70% of my matches I answered with a tie. It was really hard to choose cos firstly I'm the type who rarely has a favourite. I mean, if I like it, I'll like it. And if I don't like/hate it, I won't like/hate it. And secondly (which I think would most probably apply to everyone else as well), the pairings given could be one where you love/like both of them! OTL I think I could have died from that!

Female Seiyuu

Now, I don't know as many female seiyuu as I know the male ones, hence this result. I didn't expect Yukana to be placed at the top of my list too. But I like her ever since she voiced C.C. from Code Geass. And Orikasa Fumiko~ Rukia!! <3 I wonder why Kawasumi Ayako isn't in the 50 names...Saber~

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