Friday, 27 November 2015

GameStart Asia 2015

Second post for November! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Today's post will be on GameStart Asia 2015 which I attended on November 15th, Sunday. And yes this post is written like a day before I head down to AFASG. *:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

I didn't know this gaming convention existed until I saw its page recommendation on Facebook, and I went to look it up. It apparently started last year and this year is the second time it's held in Singapore. I enjoy playing video games but I'm not into many of the games people are crazy about nowadays lol. I used to play tons of PC video games a few years ago but then after I bought a Macbook and spent more time online, I slowly stopped playing video games. XD But since I've gotten my self a game console, I'm baaacccckkkk (◕ヮ◕)*:・゚

This post isn't as photo-heavy as others thankfully 8'D
*Please DO NOT take out any of my photos

This was my first time attending a gaming convention and I had no idea what to expect other than "lots of games being showcased". And true enough the moment we stepped in... ... ...

PlayStation's booth was the largest of them all *_*
And unfortunately for me I didn't realise they were playing the Samurai Warriors 4 Empires trailer when I took this photo 
Capcom's Street Fighter V
Watched people playing these games on the big screen and woooowww *A*
I wanted to try playing Arslan Musou as well but I was too shy orz
And yes they brought in the PlayStation VR. Again I was too shy to get up there and try XDD
Star Wars Battlefront

Some local indie games

I was in a hurry since the booth was crowded and forgot to turn on flash and so....behold, the faceless RX-78 www

Since there was nothing else we could do, we decided to watch the cosplay runway showcase instead. And thanks to being short among all the other kyojins, I couldn't really get nice photos OTL

And these Storm Troopers kindly posed for a photo X3
And that's all for this post. Wanna write more but I'm not feeling too well at the moment ;;; And I'm going for AFA tomorrow and Sunday so the next post will be on that! ^^

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