Friday, 27 November 2015

GameStart Asia 2015

Second post for November! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Today's post will be on GameStart Asia 2015 which I attended on November 15th, Sunday. And yes this post is written like a day before I head down to AFASG. *:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

I didn't know this gaming convention existed until I saw its page recommendation on Facebook, and I went to look it up. It apparently started last year and this year is the second time it's held in Singapore. I enjoy playing video games but I'm not into many of the games people are crazy about nowadays lol. I used to play tons of PC video games a few years ago but then after I bought a Macbook and spent more time online, I slowly stopped playing video games. XD But since I've gotten my self a game console, I'm baaacccckkkk (◕ヮ◕)*:・゚

This post isn't as photo-heavy as others thankfully 8'D
*Please DO NOT take out any of my photos

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

STGCC 2015

Hello again! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Today's post will be on STGCC 2015. I know it's been a while (nearly two months in fact) since the event ended but I couldn't find time to update because the situation at home changed somewhat drastically .-. But today is a public holiday here in my country so I have time to update my blog, and also before the next event this weekend, GameStart Asia.

This post is PHOTO-HEAVY
*Please DO NOT take out any of my photos

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Rejet New Titles (2nd half of 2015)

Hello! This time I'm back with new Rejet titles to share. Yes I know it's really late... Rejet announced the new titles early last month but I wasn't online much then and I didn't realise they had made announcements and also the fact that I'm a lazy person so yeah TTvTT

As usual, since I'm such a busy and lazy girl, I haven't listened much to any of Rejet's CDs orz. However I've recently started playing the Diabolik Lovers: Haunted Dark Bridal game uhuhu and I must say so far it's been.....interesting..... definitely not your typical otome game lol OvO And yes I'm still playing Touken Ranbu pfftt

Anyway without further ado, let's move on!

Sunday, 26 July 2015

CharaExpo 2015 (20 June 2015)

Greetings! It's been a month since I've posted an entry in this blog! I've been busy over the past apologies!

Today I'll be blogging about last month's CharaExpo which was held in Singapore for the very first time. I only went on the first day because I was really tired and lazy to go for the second one www

This post will be pretty PHOTO-HEAVY!

*Please DO NOT take out any of my photos!

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Funan Anime Matsuri 2015

Hello, it's me again~ June this year is just full of anime events and that means I'm going to be broke this month (like I'm not already broke in the first place) _(:3 」∠)_

Yesterday I went to Funan Anime Matsuri 2015 (8-14 June) held at Funan Digitalife Mall. I wanted to go earlier in the week but I was busy... But I managed to make some time to attend it ;v; I was mainly attracted to the promotion - Touken Ranbu official merchandise on discount! LOL *shot*

*Please DO NOT take out any of my photos!

Friday, 5 June 2015

Gundam Docks at Singapore

Hello~ It's been a while! My last post was dated March and now it's already June. Time really flies! :o

Some updates, I graduated from my polytechnic on May 18th, and I'm currently in sword hell aka Touken Ranbu lol XD

And today I went to the Gundam Docks exhibition in Singapore. The exhibition runs from 4 to 28 June at Ngee Ann City, with the merchandise available at the B2 level.

I'm not a hardcore Gundam fan but I appreciate mecha and their designs. Here are some photos from the exhibition!

*Please DO NOT take out any of my photos!

Friday, 20 March 2015

Costest: Nine (Zankyou no Terror)

Hehe so I finally did a costest after so long! I used the new products I bought yesterday and I'm glad to say that I'm satisfied with them. The only thing was that I didn't expect the tip of the gel liner to break off so easily LOL so I ended up having to line my eye using the leftover stump XDD
The Essence BB Cream is pretty good, but my only complaint is that it's kind of stinky (.-.) I still prefer Silkygirl's Magic BB Cream, plus it has a pleasant fragrance X3

I'm costesting Nine from Zankyou no Terror by the way. I'm still not good with the eyeliner so the only thing I'm not satisfied with for this costest are the eyes...cursing the unsteady hand and bad vision (ToT) But I'm really happy that I managed to pull off a guyish makeup! I do think I look quite ikemen LOLOL *slapped*

Thursday, 19 March 2015

New cosplay makeup supplies~

As a personal rule, I don't wear makeup (with the exception of BB Cream because heck everybody loves them too). But because I do cosplay, I have to put it on XD So I went shopping for more makeup supplies for cosplay today~ I'll be sharing on the products I bought in this post :3

This is not a product review by the way, because I haven't tried any of them on yet.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Watched Naruto The Last~

I finally got to watch Naruto The Last movie today, and since today's the last day it will be airing in my country, I feel really lucky to be able to catch it on the big screen!! :D

I literally got goosebumps when the original Naruto theme played near the beginning of the movie aaaahhhh I realise I really do love this series after all (even though I never managed to catch up with much of Shippuden www) _(:з」∠)_

The movie is good, and I just had to bring home with me all the lovely NaruHina feels (TvT) ❤

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Rejet New Titles 2015/2016

Ehehehe once again this post is long overdue! XD
But I want to post about it anyway, mostly for my own reference~
It's also the opportunity for me to finally, FINALLY watch all these PVs :'D

A few weeks back (I can't remember exactly when because I was too busy with schoolwork when I saw the announcement on Twitter >.<) Rejet updated us with new titles for this year!

As with the previous year, I was busy doing my work (this time it was a bloody report ugh) when Rejet spammed my Twitter timeline with updates. 酷いな…(T▽T)

HOWEVER.... I myself am severely not updated when it comes to listening to Rejet's CDs due to the fact that there are so many of them, I can't keep up welp hello it's like hundreds of CDs vs only one of me... `* ))))
I have no idea where I stopped at for Diabolik Lovers (possibly the first volume of Dark Fate orz), and as for the other Rejet CDs, the last thing I remember listening to was Vanquish Brothers Masamune ;;;;;;

Friday, 13 March 2015

AFA 2014 (6 & 7 December 2014)

Hehe this post is pretty late but well, I really want to share how fun the event was! I'll combine both days into one post. (TvT)

This post will be PHOTO-HEAVY!! XD

However, please DO NOT take out any of my photos!! >.<

I attended AFA 2014 on Day 2 and Day 3 last year. I was stuck in school on Friday so I couldn't go orz. They also announced the attendees for the Lantis Matsuri that will be held on March 28th. I was in class when the announcement was made at the event and after that I couldn't concentrate for the rest of the class LOLOL

Miyuki Kazuya (Daiya no Ace) 1/9 scale figure previews!

Hello! It's been a while XD And I've come with good news!! I'm officially done with school and that means now I'm free to do what I want, whenever I want!! XDD

So when I woke up today and logged in to Twitter, the next few minutes came the announcement from Apricot Blossom (an otome figure company). They released the official previews of the Miyuki Kazuya (from Daiya no Ace) scale figure!!

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Happy New Year 2015!!

I'm like three days late LOL orz....

Many eventful things have happened over the past year, both the good and bad. Nevertheless, both have taught me many valuable, important lessons.

I also met many people, made new friends and most importantly, I was given the opportunity to learn about and understand myself as a person. I hope I was able to grow and develop myself into a better person, even for just a little.

Thank you so much to everyone who has been a part of my journey through 2014, and I hope we can continue on together this year and so on.

And while the rest of us celebrate this new year with joy and happiness, let us not forget about those who are grieving. I hope with time and patience, 2015 will heal the pain they hold in their hearts.

My sincere prayers goes out to the victims and their families of Sewol, MH370, MH17, AH5017, GE222, QZ8501, and all the other major disasters that occurred in 2014.

And to everyone else, here's to a blessed, joyous, successful year ahead!
And may 2015 bring more anime, sports anime, seiyuu, otome games, drama CDs, etc etc etc to fangirl, spazz and cry over XD

~Extra: My 2015 New Year Resolutions~

I really can't be bothered coming up with New Year Resolutions because I'm too lazy and I'm the type who can't keep up with all the stuff I wanna do. But I'm gonna list down some stuff that I really, truly hope I can do this year ;A;

- Read more
- Write more
- Draw more anime stuff and sell 'em as keychains and badges or somethin' y'know and then earn some money....
- Take more photos
- Get a DSLR
- Travel overseas
- Help out at animal homes like cats homes, or birds
- Go to KBox/Karaoke lounge
- Cosplay more
- Open a booth at AFA or some other anime con

Yeah I sure hope I can do all those stuff up there..... ;;;